Free Download Cisco Packet Tracer v5.3.3

Packet tracer is a computer networking software. This software is used as a tool while in practice the performance of computer networks.

Many objectives of this software and it is very helpful in the work world and the world of school. With the software we can know in detail how the performance of the network.

Packet Tracer is a software developed by Cisco. Where the software is working to create a network computer or computer network is often called. This program has been available in some of the components or devices that are worn or used in the network system, such Suppose Lan cable (cross over, console, etc.), HUB, Switches, Router, and so forth. So that we can easily create a simulated computer network inside your computer, this simulation serves to find out how to work on each of these tools and how to deliver a message from one computer to another computer can simulate it here as well.


Download Packet Tracer v5.3.3 Application + Tutorial (Windows)

Download Packet Tracer v5.3.3 Application only (Windows)

Download Packet Tracer v5.3.3 Application + Tutorial (Linux)

Download Packet Tracer v5.3.3 Application only (Linux)

Download Packet Tracer Application Only (Ubuntu)                                                                 
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