underlying physical server components, has become a cornerstone of the data center
architecture. Virtualization allows organizations to run not just one operating system
per physical server in the data center, but tens, dozens, or even hundreds, on a
single physical server. The benefits of virtualization are many, including a reduction
in hardware, power, and cooling costs. In addition, virtualization allows for new
techniques of distribution and resilience to be applied, such as VMware Distributed
Resource Scheduler (DRS) and VMware High Availability (HA). Server
virtualization, the virtualization of server operating systems on server hardware, is
now a mainstream technology, which is readily accepted, adopted, and implemented
in organizations across the world.
Popular reasons to implement a VMware View solution include:
• Security: VDI removes sensitive data from the end device and
improves the ability to manage, secure, patch, and audit large
numbers of desktop resources.
• Windows 7 migrations: Organizations looking to migrate to Windows 7 are
looking at VDI to ease the transition.
• Technology/Hardware refresh: The daunting task of replacing outdated PCs
during a hardware refresh can incur significant operational costs and reduce
productivity. This is an opportunistic time to migrate users to a VDI solution;
in addition, existing PCs could be repurposed as thin or thick clients,
extending their usable life.
• Energy reduction: Some VDI solutions can consume significantly less energy
through the use of zero/thin clients and tailored hardware on the backend.
• Device independence: VDI can remove the limitations of maintaining
a stringent, “Acceptable Client List” for an organization (for example,
Dell Latitude 5400S and Mac Books only) and instead allow the end user
community to use their preferred device that ultimately connects back
into a managed VDI. As long as the device has a support View Client, it is
permitted for use within the organization. This is often called, Bring Your
Own Device (BYOD).
• Remote connectivity in times of crisis: Whether it’s H1N1, an erupting
volcano, mega-blizzard, or a swarm of locusts, VDI can allow workers to
still work when they can’t physically get to their work area.
needs to have a basic understanding of
the following concepts:
VMware vSphere
°° Hypervisor basics
°° vMotion
°° Cluster capabilities such as HA, DRS, and DPM
Active Directory
°° °° Encryption with certificates
°° Group policy objects
°° Folder redirection
°° Roaming profiles
Types of authentication
Virtual machine basics
°° °° Snapshots
VMX and VMDK files
VMware tools
°° VLANs
°° Port types
°° Routing
°° LAN and WAN basics
The reason for the slower adoption of the virtual desktops was originally due to
many factors, including an immature technology, lack of general understanding of a
comprehensive solution, a proven delivery methodology, and a clear understanding
of the success criteria of a given virtual desktop project.
Today, many of these hurdles have been removed. The supporting technologies from
communication protocols to computing density, platform stability, and desirable
end devices, now exist. Design methodologies have been built by some of the largest
integrators in the world; yet virtual desktop projects continue to fail, falter, or stall.