Some Sorts Of Linux Commands

As the time has gone and the technology has developed…most of us like GUI rather than CLI….So most people think that being a computer technician is easy….But it’s not easy for those who prefer CLI rather than GUI..
That’s why i always say “Revolution to GUI”….To show that being a computer technician or hacker…whatever is not easy.
As for me,i am just a network technician but i wish to know a little about both programming and hardware too.. 

#apt-get –reinstall install packagename >>Updating the list of packages in your sources.list

#apt-get update>>Update software using apt

#apt-get -u upgrade>>To change the list of apt mirrors

#apt-setup>>Search for package

#apt-cache search package >>Uninstall software using apt

#apt-get remove software>>Shortcuts / Cheatcodes update the package lists

#apt-get update>>update the available package lists

#dselect update>>upgrade all installed packages

#apt-get upgrade>>installs package

#apt-get install pkg>>uninstall package

#apt-get remove pkg>>show all installed and removed packages

#dpkg -l>>show install status of package

#dpkg -l pkg>>show all packages that match pattern

#dpkg -S pattern>>list packages that contain string

#dpkg>> list files in package

#dpkg -L pkg>>show status of package

#dpkg -s pkg>>show details of package

#dpkg -p pkg>>list relevant packages

#apt-cache search string>>install package from a deb file

#dpkg -i file.deb>>purge package

#dpkg -P pkg>>re-run the configure for a package

#dpkg-reconfigure pkg >>get the source

#apt-get source pkg>>config build-deps for source and install as needed

#apt-get build-dep>>install package from specific release

#apt-get -t release install pkg>>prevent name from running at bootup

#update-rc.d -f name remove>>upgrade the distribution

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